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We scour the web for information about companies that are working to improve the lives of older adults and their caregivers—and aggregate it here. Finally, a source for everything that’s happening across the entire field of Agetech. Enjoy!
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Healthy Labs was acquired by Adir Ventures for an undisclosed amount

Healthy Labs was acquired by Adir Ventures for an undisclosed amount. The acquisition was made to revolutionize Medicare marketing by leveraging Healthy Labs' digital platform, which provides a comprehensive suite of tools for Medicare marketers. This move is expected to enhan...

SunfireMatrix was acquired by KKR for an undisclosed amount

SunfireMatrix was acquired by KKR for an undisclosed amount. The acquisition was made to allow KKR to take a major holding in the purpose-built platform, SunfireMatrix, which is designed to provide a unique solution for the rapidly growing digital asset market. (Published by B...


Homebase, a digital platform that provides team management solutions for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), raised $60 million in a Series D funding round. The capital will be used to expand the company's product offerings, enhance its technology, and increase its marke...

Andreessen Horowitz invested $18 million in Tennr

Andreessen Horowitz, a private American venture capital firm, invested $18 million in Tennr, a startup aiming to modernize the healthcare industry's outdated fax-based communication system. The funds will be used to develop Tennr's software, which aims to replace fax machines ...
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